Monday 21 October 2013

Writing a movie review

A movie review should be entertaining, thought provoking, informative, persuasive and evaluative.

Paragraph 1: Introduction
Grab the reader’s attention with an intriguing opening sentence. You may also want to hint at your assessment of the film.

Paragraph 2: Synopsis
Write a snappy synopsis to describe what happens in the film (plot). We want a review to tell us about what happens in the film but not too much! Don’t give away any surprise twists or the end (this is called a spoiler), but do get the readers intrigued. Too much detail can be boring for the reader and might ruin the film for them. You might also want to include information like the names of the actors or other films the director has made.

Paragraph 3: Entertain / Describe
This is the real meat of the review. Help your reader understand what watching the movie was like. Use comparisons to other movies to help your reader understand what watching the film is like. What parts were good? Why? What parts were bad? Why? Use precise language where possible.

Paragraph 4: Evaluation
Is the film any good or not? This is where you summarise what you have been saying through the rest of the review. You might also want to include a star rating out of 5.

HINT: Use interesting language – not “good”, “bad”, “nice” etc. Use a thesaurus to help you.

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