Tuesday 15 October 2013

KIDSMOVIECLUB begins at Amesbury School

“Looking at the art of story-telling through film”
“We honour reading, why not honour watching with the same passion” –
Beeban Kidron film director and producer and cofounder of FILMCLUB
                                www.ted.com/talks/beeban_kidron_the_shared _wonder_of_film.html
                                Check out Beeban talking about FILMCLUB and the “wonder of film”
We are running the Amesbury version of FILMCLUB called KIDSMOVIECLUB.
This will be piloted in term 4 for five weeks.
WHO: Year 5 and 6 students
WHAT: KIDMOVIECLUB will meet weekly for five weeks to watch, discuss and then review films

WHEN: i. Watching a movie - Friday, 2.30pm – 5.00pm (with a break for refreshments)
                ii. Discussing the movie – 30 – 45mins after the movie, if time, or during school time
                iii. Writing/recording reviews – in the student’s own time or during independent timetable time at school
NOTE: A session will be run during school time for students to learn how to write film reviews
WHY:     *“To discover new places, new thoughts, new perspectives”
*To explore ideas and develop critical thinking – support and enhance the students’   curriculum learning
                *To explore what creates beauty in a film
                *To develop opinions and express these thoughtfully and passionately in writing or speech

COST:    $15.00 for five sessions (to help with food/drink, movie rental/purchase etc.)

INCENTIVE: All students who fully participate. That is:
i.                     Watch five movies
ii.                   Engage in the discussions
iii.                  Write or record five quality movie reviews (feedback and help will be provided)
will receive an invitation to be part of a special “movie-related” day trip.

HELP: Lesley is going to organise and run this. However, she would really appreciate some help. Please let her know if you are able to help:
i.                     On the Friday afternoons – sometimes we may wish to show two movies
ii.                   With the discussions during school time
iii.                  Choosing movies
iv.                 Have good knowledge about cinematography

IMPORTANT NOTE: This is for BOYS as well as GIRLS. Sometimes we will show two movies – one very much with BOYS in mind.

HURRY: Numbers are limited. Please let Lesley know if your child is keen to be involved as soon as possible – principal@amesbury.school.nz

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