Monday, 21 October 2013

Writing a movie review

A movie review should be entertaining, thought provoking, informative, persuasive and evaluative.

Paragraph 1: Introduction
Grab the reader’s attention with an intriguing opening sentence. You may also want to hint at your assessment of the film.

Paragraph 2: Synopsis
Write a snappy synopsis to describe what happens in the film (plot). We want a review to tell us about what happens in the film but not too much! Don’t give away any surprise twists or the end (this is called a spoiler), but do get the readers intrigued. Too much detail can be boring for the reader and might ruin the film for them. You might also want to include information like the names of the actors or other films the director has made.

Paragraph 3: Entertain / Describe
This is the real meat of the review. Help your reader understand what watching the movie was like. Use comparisons to other movies to help your reader understand what watching the film is like. What parts were good? Why? What parts were bad? Why? Use precise language where possible.

Paragraph 4: Evaluation
Is the film any good or not? This is where you summarise what you have been saying through the rest of the review. You might also want to include a star rating out of 5.

HINT: Use interesting language – not “good”, “bad”, “nice” etc. Use a thesaurus to help you.


On Friday, 18th October we watched our first film as part of KIDSMOVIE CLUB.

Together we watched the UK movie ALL STARS which is a kids-against -the-world type of movie.

We will meet today, Tuesday, 22 October, after lunch, to discuss the movie and to think about how to write a film review.

Questions to consider

At the beginning of the movie, Ethan said that he was, "Living the dream." What was his dream?" What was reality? How did the dream change?

Each of the main characters had a problem/problems in their lives. 
i. What were their problems?
ii. What problem/s did they all share?

Think about how they solved their problems.
What do we learn from this?

Who in the film changed - grew and developed - as a result of their experiences?

How do we know that Jayden has a brilliant imagination?

Was Jayden right to disobey his parents and go to the dance off?

Were the children right to take the principal's keys and to do the photocopying? 

Is the movie saying children should do these wrong things? What is the bigger thing the movie is saying?

What are the main themes - things to be learned - from the film?

What does the dance they choreographed tell us about what is important?

The fim begins, "If you thought something in your city was unfair, would you try to change it? Would you stand up and fight for what you thought was right? Because that's what a bunch of kids in London did." What was unfair?Would you stand up and fight? What is something that is unfair that you might want to fight about at the moment?

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Register for KIDSMOVIECLUB ......


We still have a few places available at our pilot of KIDSMOVIECLUB which will be held this term on the following five Fridays:
  • 18 October
  • 8 November
  • 15 November
  • 22 November
  • 29 November
Please let me know if you have not already registered your child and he/she would like to attend. The cost is $15.00 for the five sessions to cover refreshments, movie hire/purchase etc.

In general sessions will follow this format:

2.30pm  - begin watching movie
3.30pm  - refreshments
3.45pm - watch rest of movie
4.30pm - discuss movie
Throughout the next week - write movie review 
A Google Doc will be set up for ongoing, online discussions of the movies.
Students will take part in a special session of learning how to write reviews.

NOTE: There will be a special "movie-related" trip for those students who fully participate in movie club - see attached notice.

I have attached information about the purpose of movie club. I would encourage as many students as possible to attend as it will be great for developing critical thinking and exploring different perspectives of the world. This will fit perfectly with the cultural inquiry the school is involved with this term. 

I am carefully vetting all movies to make sure they are suitable and I am also sourcing a range of movies - old, black and white, cartoon, subtitles etc - so that we watch a range of moves and some that the students will not have already seen. 

I have set up a BLOG - on which I have posted information about KIDSMOVIECLUB and will keep up to date with all the information related to this club. Please see the BLOG post about the movie we are looking at this week - ALL STARS. Reviews of the week will also be posted on the BLOG as well as some summaries of our discussions.

We will let you know in advance the movie of the week and, please, if you have any concerns about any movie, please let me know.

If we continue with this next year, it would be my intention for students to be more involved in the organisation of KIDSMOVIECLUB and the choice of films.

I am excited about this opportunity for students to develop greater appreciation of the wonder of film.

If you have not already done so, please remember to register your child with me for KIDSMOVIECLUB.

Nga mihi nui



Friday, 18 October, 2.30pm in Kikorangi.

Featuring the movie.....

Rated: UNIVERSAL - Suitable for all

KIDSMOVIECLUB begins at Amesbury School

“Looking at the art of story-telling through film”
“We honour reading, why not honour watching with the same passion” –
Beeban Kidron film director and producer and cofounder of FILMCLUB
                                Check out Beeban talking about FILMCLUB and the “wonder of film”
We are running the Amesbury version of FILMCLUB called KIDSMOVIECLUB.
This will be piloted in term 4 for five weeks.
WHO: Year 5 and 6 students
WHAT: KIDMOVIECLUB will meet weekly for five weeks to watch, discuss and then review films

WHEN: i. Watching a movie - Friday, 2.30pm – 5.00pm (with a break for refreshments)
                ii. Discussing the movie – 30 – 45mins after the movie, if time, or during school time
                iii. Writing/recording reviews – in the student’s own time or during independent timetable time at school
NOTE: A session will be run during school time for students to learn how to write film reviews
WHY:     *“To discover new places, new thoughts, new perspectives”
*To explore ideas and develop critical thinking – support and enhance the students’   curriculum learning
                *To explore what creates beauty in a film
                *To develop opinions and express these thoughtfully and passionately in writing or speech

COST:    $15.00 for five sessions (to help with food/drink, movie rental/purchase etc.)

INCENTIVE: All students who fully participate. That is:
i.                     Watch five movies
ii.                   Engage in the discussions
iii.                  Write or record five quality movie reviews (feedback and help will be provided)
will receive an invitation to be part of a special “movie-related” day trip.

HELP: Lesley is going to organise and run this. However, she would really appreciate some help. Please let her know if you are able to help:
i.                     On the Friday afternoons – sometimes we may wish to show two movies
ii.                   With the discussions during school time
iii.                  Choosing movies
iv.                 Have good knowledge about cinematography

IMPORTANT NOTE: This is for BOYS as well as GIRLS. Sometimes we will show two movies – one very much with BOYS in mind.

HURRY: Numbers are limited. Please let Lesley know if your child is keen to be involved as soon as possible –